Profile PictureThe School of Esoterica

Hail & Welcome to The School of Esoterica ! Congratulations on your inter-dimensional breakthrough. For those thinking you did not come here by accident. We welcome you to this unique multidimensional platform. The School of Esoterica is ready to serve as a launch pad for your own hero’s journey. While you are still sleeping in the Matrix, we act as Morpheus, we are ready to awaken you and help you hurtle through the physical and astral realm to break free from the chains of modern day slavery. Let’s address your concerns and re-adjust your focus. This site's content is purposely instructional, inciting and initiatory. It will aim to provide the spark which ignites your personal evolutionary bomb. We believe the only answer to full spectrum dominance is full spectrum resistance. Through the gnosis of Magick and its heroic evolution, this channel will offer you a myriad of timeless and powerful systems to explore and embody.

The Complete Course to modern Brujeria Witchcraft
